About Us
Deliverance Church Kasarani Zimmerman was established on November 4, 1984, by Bishop Dr. Jimmy Kimani. The church is situated in Zimmerman Estate in Nairobi Kenya, opposite Mirema Drive, off Kamiti Road. Over the time we have grown in leaps and bounds establishing, supporting and building other churches around the Kasarani region as well as in other parts of the country. Among the many Deliverance churches that we have planted are Mwirigo, Mwiki, Kiamumbi, Ihururu and Kahawa West.
At the core of our existence is the Father's Vision which stipulates fruitfulness and multiplication (Matt. 28:19 and Gen. 1:22) of each individual as a Christian. We organize activities and conferences in line with the theme of the given year. We are a cell church which means we encourage the fellowship of one to another at a personal level. (1 Thes 5:11)
A dynamic Purpose Driven Church Transforming lives
Christlikeness: Phil 3:10
Prayer: 1 John 5:14 | Psalms 66:19
Fellowship: Heb 10:25
Integrity and Discipleship: 2 Cor 1:12
Accountability: Eze 33:6 | Rom 3:19
Excellence: Phil 4:8 | Dan 6:3