By Administrator in Bulletin

Mar 19, 2017 00:00

A cell church is a Christian church structure centering on the regular gathering of cell groups. Small group ministries are often called cell groups, but may also be called home groups, home friendship groups, home care groups, house fellowships, or life groups. A cell is distinct in that it pursues all the purposes of the church  (worship, building one another up, fellowship, and evangelism). A cell group is in actuality the church in miniature. In a cell:

  1. Every member serves. We are the body of Christ. We have all received gifts and talents that the Lord Jesus wants to develop in us for the benefit of the whole church. No one has been created to be an spectator. Cell groups become the place where we can all grow in faith and can use our gifts.
  2. Every member grows. To be a Christian is a lifelong growing relationship with Jesus. The cell group is the place where new members can be discipled and where all members can grow to maturity and in Jesus’ plan for their lives.
  3. Sacrificial love. The sacrificial love that Jesus demonstrated (1 John 3:16), which is also at our disposal through the Holy Spirit Who lives in us, is an important element of cell life. Self-sacrifice binds the cell together. It is not about what you can get out of cell life, but what you can contribute.
  4. Fellowship. A cell group is more than a gathering! It is a small group of people who look to each other and care for one another. It is a place to love others and where others love you. A cell group is like a family.  We learn to trust one another, to be open and honest, to help others and to receive help, and to build each other up and develop good friendships.
  5. Evangelism and multiplication. Research shows that more than 70% of all Christians came to Christ through a friend. Because cells meet in the homes of the members, they form an important means for our unbelieving friends to see how Christians interact with each other and what it means to be a Christian.